About Us

The Factory Amsterdam began in late 2017 with a group of 3 friends who wanted a shop space to work on personal projects during their undergraduate education at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Pretty quickly, we got tired of paying rent out of our pocket money and decided to take on paying work for local customers. Over time, we grew into a full-service prototyping and finishing shop, offering a wide variety of processes from CNC machining to anodizing and powder coating. After nearly 5 years in business, we amicably parted ways, and Brad continued forward with a streamlined business model focusing on automation and lights-out manufacturing.

Now, our 2,400 sq. ft. Latham facility houses the latest in advanced manufacturing technologies, and every piece of production equipment in our space is intended to run without operator intervention for 18-24 hours at a time. We believe that people are poorly suited to menial, repetitive labor, and that their human capital is better suited for more creative, open-ended tasks. To that end, we leverage modern software tools to manage production and remotely monitor progress during unattended production runs, and we’re committed to continuously improving quality by taking humans out of the loop wherever possible.

Bradley Matheus, Owner
  • Founding Member, Owner

    Brad has been in manufacturing since age 13, when he bought a manual benchtop lathe from Harbor Freight Tools to manufacture and sell parts for foam dart blasters on the internet. 15 years later, he’s still at it, but with bigger and better tools.

    To hear more of his backstory and history of TFA, check out Brad’s interview on the Within Tolerance Podcast!